clockwise: 1. trying out calligraphy writing, 2. scrapbook page of our 2011 christmas, 3. Posing on a bridge overlooking the water and mountain, 4. scrapbook layout, 5. scramble, childhood favorite, 5. sunset, 6. our car, 7. cherry blossom like tree, 8-9. scrapbook layouts again, 10. me eating my deadly bigmac meal
I've always been interested in arts and crafts and the internet has inspired me continuously via sites like pinterest and craftgawker (or not, because i spend more time browsing than doing anything). Anyway, found this site where theres a group in Manila doing crafts and one of them was calligraphy. I was so impressed and inspired so I tried it. Need a lot of practice and probably a calligraphy pen, but I was happy to have something to do that interested me.
I've also tried scrapbooking before and for a while, I was really so into it. I stopped for a time, blame it on facebook I think, but now I want to do it again. I know I'm never going to be as good as some of the Filipino scrappers I've gotten to know but I do it for myself, and as long as I'm enjoying it, and has some budget for it, I'll continue this hobby (hopefully ;) )
Time and budget constraints are major considerations in travel, therefore, we haven't been able to go some place to relax and vacation. I'm glad that we have simple joys and are able to enjoy the places and views that our province has been blessed with.
This concoction is called scramble in our country. I don't know if these is available elsewhere. This was a favorite street food when I was young and it still is, although I'm not as carefree as before when eating food bought in the streets so I don't get to eat this much. They even have a franchise for this in some places but it just tastes different.
So, we bought a car to take us places and I thank God for the opportunity of owning one and for giving us the courage to go for it and the strength to work so we can pay for it.
The streets were lined with this tree that had pretty pink flowers on it. It was like looking at cherry blossoms. very pretty
I've been wanting to have a healthier diet but I can't resist McDo's bigmac meal or their quarterpounder, although, I only eat this occasionally.
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